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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Monday, 15 October 2007

Recipe: Scallop Mousseline....

This recipe is quite simply spectacular! Served hot, the flavours are strong, clean and sophisticated, while the texture is firm, but wonderfully light. Served cold, after a night in the fridge, this is one of the most 'more-ish' things I've ever eaten. Beguiling and intense, the first mouthful is a show-stopper........and each mouthful thereafter is just as good, leaving you licking the pattern from the plate at the end of the process.
Eminently dinner-party-able, this can be prepared in its entirety and left in the fridge up until the point that it goes into the oven, or else can be served cold, having been cooked the day before. The choice of sauces to go with it is varied: hollandaise works well, as does a sieved watercress sauce......or even a light tomato sauce delicately flavoured with tarragon... Up to you.

For four.

Ingredients: 400g Scallops, without the coral (for this dish, it's fine to use Scallops which have been frozen); 2 teaspoons of Salt; a dozen grindings of Black Pepper; 1 Egg plus 1 Egg-white; 500 ml of Cream.


1. Pre-heat the oven to 220 degrees C.

2. Generously butter four individual ramekins.

3. In the food processor, process to a fine purée the Scallops and seasoning; add the Egg +egg-white, and process some more, then finally process the Cream into the mixture. If necessary, use a spatula to clean the mixture from the sides of the processor bowl from time to time, to ensure the ingredients in the mixture are all entirely incorporated.

4. Divide the mixture between the greased ramekins, then cook in a bain marie in the pre-heated oven for thirty minutes. Loosely cover the bain marie with a sheet of aluminium foil before you place it in the oven, as this will prevent a skin from forming.

5. If to be eaten hot, unmould the mousselines into heated shallow bowls, and surround each one with the sauce of your choice. If to be eaten cold, allow the mousselines to cool, then chill them in the fridge and serve them cold in the same manner the following day.



Joanna said...

Delicious - I'm going to play with this a little so that we can use it in our low cholesterol household



The Passionate Palate said...

It does look mouthwatering!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure about 2 teaspoons of salt? Seems like an awful lot to me and I love salty things.

Pomiane said...

I remember thinking the same, the first time I tried this one.....but it is correct. Level, rather than heaped teaspoons in this instance...

Anonymous said...

you have 2 teaspoons is about 10gms -12gms if it coarse salt - and about 800ml of mixture. So it's about right.

Anonymous said...

OK, as long as you say so. Can't wait to try it but it might be some time before I find good scallops. Wish me luck!