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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Sunday, 28 January 2007

Recipe: Frozen Hazelnut Zabaglione

For Ten.
Ingredients: 7 Egg Yolks; three-quarters of a cup of Sugar; a quarter of a cup of Marsala; 2 cups Cream; 60g Hazelnuts, toasted and skins removed.


1. Make a zabaglione in the zimmertopf using the egg yolks, marsala and sugar. Whisk until it is good and thick, and approximately doubled in volume. When ready, scoop this out into a large bowl and whisk over ice until cooled.

2. Beat the cream until firm, then fold into the zabaglione.

3. Liquidize the hazelnuts briefly - try to avoid reducing them to a powder, they should preferably be 'chopped' into pieces rather than pulverised. Fold the pieces of hazelnut into the cream/zabaglione mixture.

4. Pour the amalgamated mixture into a loaf pan lined with cling-film, and freeze for at least ten hours.

5. Remove from freezer only briefly before serving; unmould, remove cling-film and slice to serve, accompanied by either a fruits de bois coulis, or a chocolate sauce.

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