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The Pomiane Notebook

  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Monday, 5 April 2021

Easter Monday

 Blissful weather - for now, at any rate. Arctic blasts down from the alps are forecast for the rest of this week, and after that, days on-end of rain. Which might be a good thing, as I've already had to be watering the borders on a daily basis..

Camellia Roseball

Straight lines in Nature - very satisfying!

Camellia Kellingtonia

The box hedging, doing its stuff

Loropetalum, in full bloom, poking out from the shrubbery

A tulip - nameless, since I can't now remember what I planted
The S.E Pergola, getting things in perspective

Bearded Iris, limbering up...

Another loropetalum, with attendant four-footed

Quince, showing off its shape

The West Pergola, catching the rays

Four-footed, flaked out, after an afternoon's heavy-duty weeding

Tonight's dinner:

Courgette fritters, with Tzatsiki

Roast Pork, with Salmoriglio sauce; roast salsify

Lemon and Amaretto parfait

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