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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Saturday, 31 October 2015

October Garden, late (Illustrated)

Glorious weather. No mists, but loads of mellow fruitfulness...largely in the form of gluts of quince and of sweet and succulent dark table grapes.
Carlo Fedeli, gazing benignly across the leaf-strewn surface of the lily pond

A chaotic mess of fallen leaves, most of which look far too pretty to be cleared away...
The palm-path, snaking beneath the pine trees
One of the ancient cypresses, garlanded with parthenocissus in its autumnal glory
The church spire, reflected in the pond
Hydrangea Quercifolia Alice, showing off
a late flowering Crinum Magowanii
Crisp, clear skies, and warm sunshine
Not all of it looks autumnal...some still looks positively green and lush...
Two members of the gardening crew

Tonight's dinner:

Asparagus Mousses

Boned Chicken, stuffed with prosciutto and fennel seed, spit-roast; braised broccoli stalks

Treacle tart, with Ginger ice-cream

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