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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Recipe: Tiger Prawns with Chili Peppers....

For Two.
Ingredients: 2 oz Butter; approximately 20 peeled Tiger Prawns; 2 cloves Garlic; 1 large dried chili; half a Cup of Chicken Stock; half a Cup of Dry Vermouth; seasoning; 2 tablespoons chopped Parsley.


1. Melt the Butter in a heavy frying pan. Add the minced Garlic, and stir once or twice over a high heat, until slightly browned.

2. Add the Prawns, turning them quickly to colour in the hot Butter. Add the Stock and Vermouth. Crumble the dried Chili over the prawns as the liquid bubbles; keep stirring all the time.

3. When the liquid has reduced by about half, add the chopped Parsley and correct the seasoning.

Use a slotted spoon to serve the prawns into shallow bowls and then pour the sauce from the pan over the top. It shouldn't be necessary, but if the sauce is still too thin, reduce it for thirty seconds over a high heat before pouring it over the Prawns.

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