Sunday 25 December 2022

Cool Yule...

Christmas morning...

Christmas afternoon...

More Christmas afternoon (spade, out of picture)...

And attendant extra-terrestrial!

Tonight's dinner:

Smoked salmon and pumpernickel (in homage to E.David)
Moules Marinieres (just because...)
Steak frites (as a self-inulgence)
Christmas Pudding (required)



suej said...

Hello Pomiane, just catching up. Your yuletide looks like hard work! Very best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy 2023. Sue

Pomiane said...

Well, the yuletide bit was very little work (no guests, and just Christmas Dinner for two) - it was the non-yuletide labour in the new property that was (and will be, for ages to come) a slog. New Year's Eve, on the other hand, is being a japanese feast, all nine courses of it, and with attendant guests, ntent on seeing it through until well past midnight; when I slipped off for a couple of hours this afternoon, to check on leaks in the 'new' roof, it was the house that was a rest from the kitchen, this time round!
Best wishes for the New Year. Let's hope the horizon looks less grim by this time next year.