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The Pomiane Notebook

  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Cool Yule...

Christmas morning...

Christmas afternoon...

More Christmas afternoon (spade, out of picture)...

And attendant extra-terrestrial!

Tonight's dinner:

Smoked salmon and pumpernickel (in homage to E.David)
Moules Marinieres (just because...)
Steak frites (as a self-inulgence)
Christmas Pudding (required)



suej said...

Hello Pomiane, just catching up. Your yuletide looks like hard work! Very best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy 2023. Sue

Pomiane said...

Well, the yuletide bit was very little work (no guests, and just Christmas Dinner for two) - it was the non-yuletide labour in the new property that was (and will be, for ages to come) a slog. New Year's Eve, on the other hand, is being a japanese feast, all nine courses of it, and with attendant guests, ntent on seeing it through until well past midnight; when I slipped off for a couple of hours this afternoon, to check on leaks in the 'new' roof, it was the house that was a rest from the kitchen, this time round!
Best wishes for the New Year. Let's hope the horizon looks less grim by this time next year.