Wednesday 6 July 2011

A summer lunch in Tuscany...

The Belfortes passed through, one of them en route to the airport (sometimes I wonder if we aren't actually operating an additional departures lounge), and we lunched in the open barn. A bakingly hot day, so something light and refreshing was called for (although the Technical Department was muttering about replicating the wedding breakfast that Alain Ducaisse churned out last week for the 1600 guests at the Monaguesque wedding!).

Kir Royale (with passion fruit, rather than cassis), was served, with bourekia.

Fillets of Triglia, lightly fried, with a green olive tapenade, on a bed of Courgettes, wilted Rocket, Capers and Garlic, all sautéed in butter.
Apricot Ice Cream (in fact, vanilla ice cream, but with the last of the fresh apricots from the garden chopped into it while it was churning.)


Carriages (for the airport and the station) at 15.30.

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