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"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Technical Glitch...

Still, I can't sort out the problem I've been having with uploading pictures to this blog. A short description on Google of the problem I was having quickly identified that it was nothing to do with my camera-computer interface (so, no need to waste any more time fruitlessly trying to find the camera manual), but that the problem is actually with Google's Blogger programme....and that many, many other  people have been experiencing this problem with their blogs over the past year and more. Uploading images I've copied from elsewhere on the web isn't a problem, but whenever I try to upload a picture of my own I get a 'server rejected' message....and that's as far as I can go.

Hours spent upgrading things, and downloading other things, and cleaning out things, and checking various different settings has proved completely useless. Various dark mutterings from other 'victims' suggest that this might be Google trying to force bloggers to pay in order to use Google's online Picasa function in order to store their images....I can't comment on that....but if I can't sort the problem out p.d.q, then I suppose I'll just have to stop using Google's blog hosting facility and move Pomiane to a different hosting platform. Which will be tedious...but I'm not sure I have any choice.

Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

I hope, if you do move your hosting site, you will let your regular readers know where you went.

Can you upload from Photobucket instead of Picasa?

Pomiane said...

Pomiane would still have the same web address, irrespective of which service I might use to host it - so, anybody reading it wouldn't notice any difference in being able to access the blog. In fact, I think I might have solved the current problem, by downloading Picasa (which I haven't been using before now)and from where I think I can upload my images - I'm a little suspicious of it, though, so will have to see how things go.