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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Quote of the day....

From the Late Great Julia, when speaking of low-fat food:

"The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook!"

A beautiful September day - clear sky and brilliant sunshine, with everything clean and crisp after a phenomenal thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. The Technical Department is repairing the damage to the dining table which occurred when we were away last week, and the watering system for the plants in the loggia overflowed and coursed through the the dining room ceiling into the room beneath. I've spent the morning in sweeping up storm debris, and trying to corral the tendrils of banksia and prevent them from overpowering the pomegranate tree....then in making a lentil soup for lunch (an old favourite from Hazan) and eviscerating a bushel of passion fruit and sieving their contents in preparation for a passion fruit tart for later in the week (wonderful on its own, but even better with a fresh lemon and vanilla ice cream!). Life creeping in its petty pace from day to day......

Tonight's dinner:

Salad of Bream and Rocket

Fegato alla Veneziana.

Pear & Chocolate Tarts.


The Passionate Palate said...

I always love reading "what's for dinner" on your posts; it is kind of like peaking into your life. I'm sure that we are all here in the blogosphere at least partially because we like to peak into others' lives.

Fegato Veneziana is one of the dishes that makes my husband feel stronger while he has been sick these last 6 months. We make Ada Boni's version.

I do hope your dining room table is reparable. What would one do without a dining table?!!!

The Passionate Palate said...

p.s. I almost forgot - I, too, live by Julia's attitude about fat!

Pomiane said...

I can quite understand why F.alla V. would be a good thing for those feeling under par - it's four square and at the same time undemanding; very sophisticated comfort food! I hope Antonio doesn't have anything serious - six months of sickness must feel like a lifetime! Not sure who's version I use, as it's rather got lost in the mists of time. I know it isn't Ada Boni, as - despite good intentions - I've never actually got round to her....

Dining Table now restored - and thankfully without having to call in the falagname who built it - he's 86, and deaf, and quite charming - but a little goes a long way!