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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Monday, 4 December 2023

Meanwhile, over at The Project...


The window in the old grinding room has been transformed into a
doorway -french windows being installed, this week.

All the old milling kit has been dismantled and removed - we're still looking for a
 home for the old wheels; not practical for a dining room, whichever
way you look at it

Tidied-up doorway looking from the ground floor guestroom, across the hallway
and through the doorway into the salone

And the same view, in the opposite direction

Looking from the kitchen into and across the dining room

Looking across the inner hallway, where the builders have made a
new entrance into the cantina, and out into the ruin.

New windows! (This one, in the main bedroom).

And more new windows (top floor - the ones on the first floor and ground floor are currently
being repaired, restored and painted)

I'm midway through excavating the paved area in front of the ruined wing...old cobblestones,
on a distinct slope, emerging from their tomb

The rear of the building, looking surprisingly organised.

A million (or so) new floorboards, delivered roadside, and waiting to be
carried one-by-one indoors...backbreaking!

Reticulated beams, between the building and the hillside, awaiting installation
of a decking terrace on top of them.

Tonight's dinner:

Courgette souffles

Penne, with a tomato and garlic sauce

Dark-molasses treacle tart

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