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Saturday, 4 July 2020

Chicken, roast with honey and cumin

With acknowledgements to the late, great Penelope Casas (whose recipe this was). The honey-vinegar-cumin marinade gives a splendid sweet & sour quality to the chicken, which ends up with  beautifully crisp skin, while the taste of cumin gives it unexpected depth. I prefer to roast on the spit, as the bird ends up more succulent that way - but the recipe can just as easily be done in a standard hot oven.

Ingredients: 1/4 cup olive oil; 1.5 tbs red wine vinegar; 2 crushed cloves garlic; 1 tsp salt; 2 tsp ground cumin; 2 tbs honey; 1 roasting chicken.


1. Remove the chicken wishbone - makes life a great deal easier when it comes to carving.

2. Mix together all of the other ingredients. Place the chicken in deep-ish dish, and pour over and around it, and turn it a few times to cover thoroughly. Let it sit for at least an hour, preferably two, during which time turn it in the marinade from time to time.

3. Roast as you would any other chicken (35 minutes or so, at 'hot'). Baste every ten minutes or do during roasting with leftover marinade.  Let the chicken sit at the end for five minutes, and then carve and serve. 

Any leftover bits are excellent served cold as part of a chicken salad.

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