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"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Easyjet Nightmare continues..

There was a glimmer of hope...not through any efforts on the part of easyjet, of course (four hours hanging on the phone on Sunday, in the vain hope that they might actually answer their laughingly termed 'Customer Service' helpline - they didn't - and still no option online either to transfer or to get a refund from our cancelled booking last Saturday). No seats from London to get home to Pisa on any airline this side of Christmas, and so we decided to try through Amsterdam, and shelled out for tickets for the 8.15 flight today (on easyjet.....through gritted teeth, since nothing else was available) in order to connect with the early afternoon Transavia flight.

Up at 5.15 this morning, to head out to Victoria...and by 5.17 a check online confirmed that indeed easyjet had cancelled the 8.15 to Amsterdam 'due to bad weather' - which is strange, since you'd think the same bad weather would also have caused them to cancel the earlier 6.15 flight to the same destination. Which they hadn't. A trawl through other options revealed there were two seats left on the BA to Amsterdam at 9.00 this morning, and so we went for them. Except that by the time the online booking got through to processing the payment, it flashed up a message that they'd been sold even as I was workiing the keyboard.

And now? We can transfer our Transavia ticket (at no charge - easyjet, please note) to their dawn flight on Thursday...and have flights booked on various airlines both on Wednesday evening and on Thursday morning.

The four-footeds are in Pisa; we're stuck here...and Christmas increasingly recedes into the distance...


Anonymous said...

Goodness me, what a débâcle. I hope that things will be resolved for you very soon.

Pomiane said...

Thanks. Must say, I'm jolly impressed with your french accents!

Anonymous said...

Just caught up the last two posts - so sorry to hear what you've been going through and thank heavens you have somewhere to stay in London. So frustrating. Good luck with being reunited with the four-footeds and hope you manage to have a good Christmas. Suej

Pomiane said...

We'e escaped! Finally! We broke out of the UK last night, via Amsterdam, and arrived in Pisa first thing this morning. Now sitting beside a blazing fire in Belforte, wondering what time the first glass will be poured...
Best wishes for Christmas!