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  This is shameless self-promotion! I realised recently that many of the earlier recipes which I posted on here are probably merely gatherin...

"Bien Manger pour Bien Vivre"

Monday, 23 March 2009

Recipe: Lemon Tart

Two things make this recipe a phenomenal success:
1. Use of ‘00’ flour for the pastry (not only does it produce a superbly-textured pastry, but the flavour of the baked tart shell is distinct and delicious – not unlike a particularly good digestive biscuit); and
2. The filled tart should be baked in an oven set at only around 130 degrees C, so that the filling ‘sets’ rather than ‘cooks’; this gives it a wonderfully velvety quality.

Over the years, I’ve tried many different methods for making Lemon Tart. This one is as good as it gets!

For an 8” diameter tart.

Ingredients: Short-crust pastry made with 5 oz ‘00’ Flour, 4 oz Butter and water; 4 Eggs; 2 oz Sugar (or equivalent volume Splenda); zest from 2 Lemons, and the juice from 1; half a cup of cream. Icing Sugar, to dust the surface of the finished tart.


1. Roll out pastry and use it to line a greased (or Trennwaxed) 8” false-bottomed tart tin. Leave to rest in the fridge for half an hour, then bake blind for twenty minutes in a 200 degree C oven. (The shell needs to be fully baked at this stage).

2. Reduce the oven temperature to 130 degrees C.

3. Whisk the Eggs in a bowl with the Sugar (or Splenda); whisk in the Cream, along with the Lemon zest and juice (and if you have any Boyajian Lemon Oil, then add a couple of drops of this also – it raises the lemon ‘hit’ significantly).

4. Pour the filling into the tart shell, and bake for approximately 45 minutes; remove from the oven as soon as the filling is clearly no longer liquid when you gently shake the tart tin to test for done-ness.

Allow to cool, and sprinkle with Icing Sugar. Serve.


Anonymous said...

That has truly made my mouth water. I have some Boyajian lemon oil in my refrigerator and I could stop off at Waitrose on my way home to get some 00 flour...

Pomiane said...

Where do you get your Boyajian from? My previous source has dried up - literally - and I've just re-stocked from Kings Fine Foods....but always useful to know of other places where this elusive but oh-so-valuable stuff can be found.

Anonymous said...


Try this link. If it doesn't work, just try 'hard to find foods'. Good luck!

I think my daughter brought some back from USA originally.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the link appears not to work, I did copy and paste, but have you Googled and found the web site?

Pomiane said...

I have indeed, thanks. I see that their Orange Oil is the same price as from Kings fine foods, but the Lemon Oil is another pound more expensive, and therefore inconsistent with Credit Crunch provisioning...!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, at least you have a link in case all else fails!